Generate random binary matrix

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Meng on 16 Oct 2013
Commented: Meng on 18 Oct 2013
Given the number of nodes M and number of links, I want to generate a random M by N matrix with 0 and 1 entries but with the constraints that the sum of each row is a random integer between 1 and L, and the sum of each column is a random integer between 1 and S. Here L and S are integers greater than 1.
Thanks for any hint and help.

Answers (2)

Jos (10584)
Jos (10584) on 16 Oct 2013
Should all possibilities of such a matrix be equally likely? Then it might be very quite tricky.
Here's a brute force approach, that might not always work for specific values of S, L, M and N:
M = 5 ; N = 6 ;
S = 3 ; L = 2 ;
% fix the number of 1's per row
X = zeros(M,N) ;
sumRow = ceil(S*rand(M,1)) ;
for k=1:M,
X(k,1:sumRow(k)) = 1 ;
ntries = 0 ;
while ntries < 1000 ;
ntries = ntries + 1 ;
% randomly swap columns, see RANDSWAP on the File Exchange
for k=1:M,
p = randperm(N) ;
X(k,:) = X(k,p) ;
if all(sum(X,1) <= L) && all(sum(X,1)>0)
break ;
if ntries < 1000
sumCol = sum(X,1)
sumRow = sum(X,2).'
disp('No matrix found within a reasonable time') ;
Jan on 16 Oct 2013
@Meng: Please do not write "larger", but show us the typical and maximum size. The applied method depends critically on the magnitude of the problem. An efficient solution for a 8x8 matrix and S=L=4 must differ from M=N=1e6 and S=L=1e4.
Meng on 18 Oct 2013
@Simon: Typically, the matrix is very sparse. For example, M=150, N=60, L=8,S=15.

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Jan on 16 Oct 2013
You can try a "shooting method":
  1. Start with a matrix of zeros
  2. Determine a line and column, which differ the most from the criteria
  3. Set a 1 there
  4. Loop
A genetic algorithm might be fine also:
  1. Start with 100 random matrices
  2. Select the 10 with the smallest sum of deviations from the criteria
  3. For each of them create 10 children by setting 10% (and 9% later etc) of the elements randomly
  4. Perhaps some cross-overs of blocks between the best individuals
  5. Loop to 2.


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